Today ,having left 3 commissioned portraits paintings with the client ,to live with for a while;I have heard that she doesn't want any of them ,a bit of a blow ,but then I do understand that this is bound to happen once in a while . It s a learning curve I am telling myself ,at least I get to keep the paintings and maybe although she has nt identified with them ,that dose nt make them bad paintings;in fact I think they are ok paintings ,they certainly took a great deal of time and energy to paint .So here they are tell me what you think .I am ok with it it s part of the deal that if they a client does nt like them they dont have to have them ,I think thats fair .
This is Jobie my son, I painted it last month and have brought it to vancouver where he lives ,he seemed pleased with it and it now hangs in his living room in a place of honour (while I am here anyway )
Here are two new portraits that l have finished this autumn .One is of my brother in law ,who sadly died only 2 days ago ,he was a wonderful man ,my painting this was a way of coming to grips with his death.The other painting(three images one painting) was a commission form a fiend of mine for her husbands 65 th birthday .l felt that one painting just was nt enough to portray the different aspects of his character so I did three!!
This is a painting that l did this summer of Dave ,,he is from nz and l am very blessed to have met and become a friend with this extraordinary man .l hope that l have managed to get something of his personality across
Suffice to say I am getting older but not always wiser .My desire is that I might seize the day each day ,a hard thing to do , but a lofty ambition.I studied at Farnham School of Art ( now west surrey school of art and design)from the age of 16 to 20 finishing with a post diploma year in St Ives Cornwall .From that time I found myself travelling a different path as wife and mother to 4 children .After 35 years and the untimely death of my husband,I tentatively picked up my brushes again gradually building up my confidence .Now after 7 years I have begun to sell and exhibit my work in various venues . In 2003/4 I made a courageous journey to beautiful New Zealand and found myself in love the country. As things have turned out it has been there that I have received the most inspiration and appreciation of my work ,selling and exhibiting there with great joy and gratitude